Oblomov Systems - Martijn Schrage

Welcome to the website of Oblomov Systems! My name is Martijn Schrage, and I am a freelance software developer based in Utrecht, The Netherlands. After finishing my PhD, I worked as a scientific programmer at Utrecht University for several years, before starting as a freelancer.
In 2009, I started Oblomov Systems with a grant from the NLnet foundation, for a follow-up software project to my PhD project Proxima (thesis.pdf, bib). Since then, I have done projects for Utrecht University, Raad voor de Rechtspraak, and CVI (Central Veterinary Institute), as well as developed an augmented-reality iPhone app called hiRise. As of 2014, I'm affiliated with the company Well-Typed as a part-time Haskell consultant.
I have a passion for creating elegantly-coded software with intuitive user interfaces. My main specializations are web applications and scientific programming, and I enjoy solving complex problems, preferably by using high-level techniques and languages.
Like any self-respecting software developer, I am developing my own web-application framework, which is called WebViews. It is written in Haskell and JavaScript and aims to create complex web applications from declarative specifications. More information on WebViews, including live examples, can be found here.
A (non-extensive) list of languages I work with:
- Haskell (a lazy functional language, hence the name Oblomov)
- TypeScript / JavaScript (React, Redux, Node.js, Angular, Express, JQuery, Lodash, D3)
- Java (Eclipse)
- Html5 / CSS3 (Joomla, K2)
- Objective C (iPhone/iPad)
- C#
My portfolio provides an overview of past projects. For a complete list, look at my C.V.,or send an e-mail to martijn@oblomov.com.